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Zovha Blog List

Friday, February 13, 2009


love DBSK Pictures, Images and Photos

Publication to All of you

For my customer, my friends…old customers and new buyers

Principle and manners to order was changed.

Because at this moment, I was extremely busy so that I couldn’t serve all of you very well again, whereas so much order that must be able to finish it. With bad condition, I can’t afford again because my body was very tired, I only worked alone and nobody helped me. Looked the past, I often sick that was easy attacked by sickness because my antibody is so weak. Based on that trouble, I forced to making new rule about “how to order”.

01. Time to order

If you want to order my product, U can send your list with via email or via phone (SMS) at certain time of month.

[ note : jika kalian ingin tanya n order, melalui via email or via sms pada tangggal 1 – 12 tiap bulan. G akan jawab pertanyaan kalian & konfirmasi total yg harus kalian bayar + ongkir ( g pake jasa TikiJNE ) ]

[Remember klo gw cuma bisa terima order via phone (sms only) waktu malam doank, dari jam 7malam-7pagi. ok ^o^ .thanks]

via email : you can send email to me about list your order (mainly if you want to order many my product
email /fs :
via sms : you can also send short message to me about your order ( mainly if you want to order a few my product)
HP number: - 085273022907 (ONLY NIGHT)

02. Time to transfer

After All of you got my confirmation about how much cost to pay, I also give u my no. account BNI / BCA / Mandiri and You must transfer total cost and don’t forget to back confirm to me again ^_^.

[Note: kalian kudu transfer total cost yg must kalian bayar melalui BNI/BCA/Mandiri (ntar gw kasih tw no acc na), yaitu pada tanggal 13 -16 tiap bulan ( lewat dari tanggal tersebut, pesenan kalian gw anggap batal. Kecuali ada konfirmasi khusus dari kalian. Keterlambatan dalam pembayaran bisa gw toleransi sampe tanggal 18 ( Cuma 2 hari ), dan ingat kalian kudu confirm dulu dg gw. Okay..thx before ^_^ ]


03. Time to sending your package

After I already receive your money, I will soon prepare and provide your package. And I need one week to finish all of your order.

[Note: g butuh kira2 1 minggu utk menyiapkan seluruh pesanan cd kalian. Gw akan ngerjain sesuai dg sapa yg duluan pesen, so klo yg udah kelar duluan langsung gw kirim secepatnya .Yang pasti gw bakal kirim seluruh pesenan kalian dlm bulan tsb (normally, paling lambat tanggal 24 uda gw kirim semua na (n bisa kurang dari tgl tsb bagi yg duluan pesen ^_^), barang bakal sampe 2-3 hari tergantung jarak lokasi rumah kalian]


Hal ini berlaku pada pemesanan barang/product non ori di Kpop Land blog dan Jpop Land blog. And dimulai bulan maret 2008 sampai seterusnya. Sedangkan untuk pemesanan original korea&Japan import items seperti biasa, sesuai dg tanggal PO, terserah kapan saja mo order.

Klo mo mesen product non ori kor n jpg, bisa di mix (digabung) kok ^_^, Arigatou...

Thank you very much for your good attention and nice join with me.


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